domingo, 5 de junio de 2016

Phonies, Phonies everywhere

The Catcher in the Rye is a  novel that you either love or hate. It is writen from the perspective of the protagonist in a very interesting narration style. I really liked the fact that J. D Salinger intended to make the reader directly connect with Holden Caulfield's emotions, and that he nailed it. For those people that really get involved with the novel, it is impossible not to take sides with or against Holden. You either love or hate him, but you can't be impartial. Holden Caulfield is judgmental, a critic of America's society, and a liar. It is hard not to think of him as an adolescent who complains about everything as any other would do, and that supports his ideas based on his own lies, but he is much more than that.

But there is one thing I agree with thim though, the discontempt towards that artificial, and empty society he hates so much. As we saw during the analysis of the novel and during the analysis of the poets from the beats generation, there is a negative feeling towards the american dream and the artificial american society, and I wonder... What would they think of  the "Donald Trump" situation?

In november, The United States of America might vote the shallowest presidential candidate to run office. A person who has earned votes through insults and  has made empty promises to the american people, a person who once he was the only republican candidate openly said, "I love Mexicans, now I will love them, hate them, depending on who is listening" after saying that he would build a wall between the US and Mexico. He is a populist that only cares about wining votes, any policy will be abandoned by him depending on the interview and the audience. He is  SUCH A PHONIE!

He is the definition of being fake and treacherous. But there is something that I consider is worse than Trump, and that is the people that will actually vote for him. Trump offends women on a daily basis, but there is a big amount of them that will actually vote him as president. Why do people lie to themselves and believe that this guy will be a good president for such a diverse and multicultural country?
I guess they will be happy lying to themselves and thinking they're being represented, as happy as the woman who pretended she had seen Gary Cooper leaving the bar.

I think Holden would move to another country and avoid all the phoniness and madness surrounding this year's elections in America.

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